Konstantin KHUDYAKOV
Константин ХУДЯКОВ
USSR, 1980, 73mn 
Colour, fiction
Who Will Pay for Good Luck?
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Кто заплатит за удачу ?


 Qui paiera pour le succès ?

 Kto zaplatit za udachu ?

Directed by : Konstantin KHUDYAKOV (Константин ХУДЯКОВ)
Writing credits : Pavel CHUKHRAY (Павел ЧУХРАЙ)
Production : Mosfilm
Spectators : 15 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 04/1981
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
Year 1919. Two members of a secret organisation penetrate into a maritime town in order to kill a provocateur - counterintelligence investigator. During assassination one of terrorist dies another one, Antonina Chumak, is captured. The thrilling film is about unusual adventures connected with release of the heroine.
Source : www.mosfilm.ru