Aleksey GERMAN jr.
Алексей ГЕРМАН мл.
Alekseï GUERMAN jr.
Russia, 2023, 151mn 
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Directed by : Aleksey GERMAN jr. (Алексей ГЕРМАН мл.)
Writing credits : Aleksey GERMAN jr. (Алексей ГЕРМАН мл.), Yelena KISELIOVA (Елена КИСЕЛЁВА)
Anastasia TALYZINA (Анастасия ТАЛЫЗИНА) ...Zhenya
Aglaya TARASOVA (Аглая ТАРАСОВА) ...Katya
Anton SHAGIN (Антон ШАГИН)
Cinematography : Yulia GALOCHKINA (Юлия ГАЛОЧКИНА), Natalia MAKAROVA (Наталья МАКАРОВА), Konstantin POSTNIKOV (Константин ПОСТНИКОВ)
Production design : Yelena OKOPNAYA (Елена ОКОПНАЯ)
Produced by : Leonard BLAVATNIK (Леонард БЛАВАТНИК), Konstantin ERNST (Константин ЭРНСТ), Artiom VASILYEV (Артем ВАСИЛЬЕВ)
Production : Amedia, Metrafilms
Film revenue in Russia : 5.552826 million dollars
Spectators : 1 600 000
Release date in Russia : 18/01/2024
Sites : Kinopoisk, IMDb

Plot synopsis
Second World War. Heavy fighting takes place in the USSR. The German army advances. A unit of female pilots arrives in a mixed aviation regiment. All of them are still young, and do not yet fully understand what war is. These women struggle in the male world, but they prove day after day that they are no worse than men.
Zhenya is a talented pilot with a difficult destiny, who has lived a lot, learned not to get attached to people, so as not to suffer the pain of loss later. She is afraid of her feelings and tries to contain them. The only thing Jenia wants is to fly well and defeat the enemy. She would like to merge with the air, with the wind, with the plane into one. In a series of aerial battles, the girls fight better and better. But many in the regiment die. Friendship and love are difficult for a woman; in heaven, in combat, they feel more in their place. Soon, Zhenya becomes the best pilot in the regiment, although there are fewer and fewer survivors around her. Jenia prepares to enter her final battle.

Commentaries and bibliography
Cinq raisons de regarder le nouveau drame Air, le Dunkerque russe, Nikolaï KORNATSKI, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2024
Небо. Самолет. Девушки. На экраны выходит фильм «Воздух» Алексея Германа-младшего, задающий новый градус правды в военном кино [Critique du film L'Air, 2023, de Alekseï Guerman jr.], Leonid PAVLYUCHIK,, 2024
Les cinq films russes sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale ayant connu le plus de succès au box-office, Boris EGOROV, RUSSIA BEYOND, 2024
Russian Director Aleksey German Jr. Talks His Controversial War Film Air and Calls for Dialogue Over Ukraine: ‘It Is Impossible to Cancel Russian Culture’, Aleksey GERMAN jr., Patrick FRATER, Interview, Variety, 16/01/2024, 2024
Команда: Воздух! Алексей Герман: Принятие своей страны со всеми ее сложностями и заслугами - вот содержание русского искусства [interview du réalisateur Alekseï Guerman Jr. à propos de son film L'Air, 2023], Aleksey GERMAN jr., Елена БОБРОВА, Interview,, 2023

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- War in contemporary Russian cinema, (France), 2023
- Tokyo International Film Festival : TIFF, Tokyo (Japan), 2023
- Streamings Platforms Documentary Content Festival, Moscow (Russia), 2023

Photos and videos