Russia, 2015, 96mn 
Breakfast at Papa's
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Завтрак у папы


 Petit-déjeuner chez papa

 Zavtrak u papy

Directed by : Mariya KRAVCHENKO (Мария КРАВЧЕНКО)
Production : All Media Company
Film revenue in Russia : 1.189685 million dollars
Release date in Russia : 23/06/2016
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
In the life of young, attractive and narcissistic Sasha Titov, at first glance, everything went as smoothly as possible: he is a successful creative director of an advertising agency and is completely satisfied with a non-binding relationship with her colleague Oksana Tarelkina. But one morning, on the threshold of her house, Sasha meets a pretty ten-year-old girl, Alya, who introduces herself as her daughter. Having burst into Sasha's life, intelligent and inquisitive Alya seriously intends to settle there for a long time. But is Sasha ready to accept all the surprises prepared by fate and radically change her usual single life?