USSR, 1960, 78mn 
Save Our Souls
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Спасите наши души


 Sauvez nos âmes

 Spasite nashi dushi

Directed by : Aleksey MISHURIN (Алексей МИШУРИН)
Production : Studio Dovzhenko
Spectators : 16 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 25/07/1960
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
The Zaporozhets ship makes a usual trip abroad. While the ship was already at sea, radio operator Lesya Gordienko (Lidya Fedoseyeva) received an SOS radio message from a yacht, on which was the daughter of an English builder Alice Maysfield with her fiancé Michael Peyton. Carrying Alice's lifeline, Michael jumped into the water, leaving Alice on the burning yacht. Alice is saved by Yuri Tsymbalyuk (Alexandr Belyavsky), a cadet from the nautical school. The intern and Lesya had a long-standing friendship, but Yuri's frivolous actions kept them from fully explaining themselves. Will Yuri take advantage of the situation in which he has certainly turned out to be at his best?