Konstantin MÄRSKA
Константин МЯРСКА
Konstantin MÄRSKA
Vladimir PARVEL
Владимир ПАРВЕЛЬ
Vladimir PARVEL
USSR (Estonia), 1951, 10mn 
Black and white, documentary
V kolkhoze "Uus elu"
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В колхозе "Уус элу"


 Kolhoos "Uus Elu"

 Le Kolkhose, « vie nouvelle »

Other titles : Kolhoos "Uus Elu" (original title)
Directed by : Konstantin MÄRSKA (Константин МЯРСКА), Vladimir PARVEL (Владимир ПАРВЕЛЬ)
Cinematography : Vladimir PARVEL (Владимир ПАРВЕЛЬ)
Companies : Tallinnfilm
Distribution : Archives du film d'Estonie (ivi.tomingas@ra.ee)

Plot synopsis
A beautiful propaganda film on the daily life of the first collective farm: agricultural workers, the president and the architect, a meeting of the administration, a lecture on agriculture, the corn harvest...