Sergueï_2 NIKOLAEV
USSR (Latvia), 1987, 16mn 
Black and white, documentary
Kapec "bukse" RAFs
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Kapec "bukse" RAFs


 Why are there complaints at the factory?

 Pourquoi cela grince à l'usine ?

Directed by : Sergey_2 NIKOLAYEV (Сергей_2 НИКОЛАЕВ)
Companies : Rigas Kinostudija Distribution : Centre National du Film de Lettonie (, +371 67358858)

Plot synopsis
Because cars made there do not meet technical quality standards! So why are there so many defects in new cars? The animated discussions with unhappy workers produce various explanations.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France), 2012