Evgeniy BAUER
Евгений БАУЭР
Evgueni BAUER
Russia, 1914, 1120m 
Black and white, silent, fiction
Slava - Nash, Smert - vragam
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Слава – нам, смерть - врагам


 Glory tu Us, Death to the Enemy

 Gloire - à nous, la mort - aux ennemis

Directed by : Evgeniy BAUER (Евгений БАУЭР)
Dora CHITORINA (Дора ЧИТОРИНА) ...L'infirmière
Ivan MOZZHUKIN (Иван МОЗЖУХИН) ...L'officier
Cinematography : Boris ZAVELYOV (Борис ЗАВЕЛЕВ)
Music : Frants BAUER (Франц БАУЭР)
Produced by : Aleksandr KHANZHONKOV (Александр ХАНЖОНКОВ)
Companies : A. Khanjonkov et Cie
Release Date in Russia : 01/11/1914

Plot synopsis
The action takes place during the First World War. The film shows the life of a charity sister and her fiancé, an officer called to the front.