World War II. German high command accumulates
enormous forces for the assault. Soviet troops commanded
by General Muravyov repulse the enemy
attacks. Soviet army scouts find out the exact day and
time of the decisive offensive. Muravyov is determined to
forestall the Nazis and plasters the enemy with fire.
All is quiet. Will the fascist troops weakened by the
surprise fire begin their offensive or put off the attack?
National Grand Prix and Award for Best Script at the
1st IFF in Cannes, France (1946).
For this film, the main members of the crew and cast
received the Stalin Prize (first class) of 1945: F. Ermler,
B. Chirskov, A. Koltsaty, N. Suvorov, M. Derzhavin, A.
Zrazhevsky (1946).