Production designer
Born 1911 
Died 2000
Mikhail DRUYAN
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Михаил Захарович ДРУЯН
Filmography (extracts)
1970 - We Can Do It (Это в наших силах) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 10 mn]
1996 - Polyphemus Acis and Galatea (Полифем, Акид и Галатея) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 16 mn]
1987 - Martynko (Мартынко) from Eduard NAZAROV [animation, 10.26 mn]
1986 - Hercules at Admet (Геракл у Адмета) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 20 mn]
1986 - Just a Boy (Мальчик как мальчик) from Natalya GOLOVANOVA [animation, 10 mn]
1985 - About Sidorov Vova (Про Сидорова Вову) from Eduard NAZAROV [animation, 10 mn]
1984 - A Tale of Tsar Saltan (Сказка о царе Салтане) from Ivan IVANOV-VANO , Lev MILCHIN [animation, 53 mn]
1983 - The Voyage of the Ant (Путешествие муравья) from Eduard NAZAROV [animation, 9.42 mn]
1982 - We Used to be Birds Before (Прежде мы были птицами) from Garri BARDIN [animation, 18 mn]
1982 - Once Upon a Time Lived a Dog (Жил-был пёс) from Eduard NAZAROV [animation, 11 mn]
1981 - Khalif-Aist | Caliph Stork (Халиф-аист) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 20 mn]
1980 - Solnishkin's Voyage (Мореплавание Солнышкина) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 17 mn]
1980 - The Turtle (Про Черепаху) from Aleksandr GORLENKO [animation, 5 mn]
1979 - Hunting (Охота) from Eduard NAZAROV [animation, 10 mn]
1978 - Choma's Adventures (Приключения хомы) from Garri BARDIN [animation, 9 mn]
1978 - Robbery... (Ограбление по...) from Yefim GAMBURG [animation, 20 mn]
1977 - Polygon (Полигон) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 10 mn]
1976 - Ikar and Wise Men (Икар и мудрецы) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 8.6 mn]
1976 - Tari the Birdie (Птичка Тари) from Gennadi SOKOLSKY [animation, 9 mn]
1976 - Shkatulka s sekretom (Шкатулка с секретом) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 10 mn]
1976 - Blue puppy (Голубой щенок) from Yefim GAMBURG [animation, 20 mn]
1975 - Ya vspominayu (Я вспоминаю...) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 10 mn]
1975 - I mama menya prostit (И мама меня простит) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 9.4 mn]
1975 - Konyok - gorbunok (Конек - Горбунок) from Ivan IVANOV-VANO [animation, 75 mn]
1974 - I Give You a Star (Дарю тебе звезду) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 8 mn]
1973 - The Nutcracker (Щелкунчик) from Boris STEPANTSEV [animation, 27 mn]
1973 - The Island (Остров) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 10 mn]
1973 - Stories about space (Новеллы о космосе) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 10 mn]
1973 - The Miracle (Чудо) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation TV, 2 mn]
1972 - Winnie the Pooh and a day of care (Винни-Пух и день забот) from Fyodor KHITRUK , Gennadi SOKOLSKY [animation, 20 mn]
1971 - Terem-Teremok (Terem-Teremok) from Leonid AMALRIK [animation, 9.27 mn]
1970 - Vesyolaya karusel N°2. Samyy pervyy (Веселая карусель N 2. Самый первый) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 3.4 mn]
1970 - Karlson went back (Карлсон вернулся) from Boris STEPANTSEV [animation, 20 mn]
1969 - Merry-Go-Round 1. Inattentive Giovanni (Веселая карусель N°1. Рассеянный Джованни) from Anatoli_2 PETROV [animation, 10 mn]
1969 - Balerina on a Ship Board (Балерина на корабле) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 17 mn]
1968 - Malych and Karlson (Малыш и Карлсон) from Boris STEPANTSEV [animation, 20 mn]
1966 - Paradise in a Hut (Рай в шалаше) from Ivan AKSENCHUK [animation, 9 mn]
1961 - Dear Kopeck (Дорогая копейка) from Ivan AKSENCHUK [animation, 16 mn]
1959 - Priklyucheniya Buratino (Приключения Буратино) from Dmitry BABICHENKO , Ivan IVANOV-VANO [animation, 68 mn]
1957 - The Snow Queen (Снежная королева) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 65 mn]
1957 - A Realised Dream (Воплощенная мечта) from Nikolay FEDOROV [animation, 8 mn]
1954 - The Golden Antelope (Золотая антилопа) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 32 mn]
1952 - The Scarlet flower (Аленький цветочек) from Lev ATAMANOV [animation, 42 mn]
1952 - Kashtanka (Каштанка) from Mikhail TSEKHANOVSKY [animation, 32 mn]
1950 - Skazka o rybake i rybke (Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке) from Mikhail TSEKHANOVSKY [animation, 32 mn]
1949 - M. Wolf (Мистер Уолк) from Viktor GROMOV [animation, 10.36 mn]
1948 - The Flower with seven colours (Цветик-семицветик) from Mikhail TSEKHANOVSKY [animation, 20 mn]
1948 - Masha's Concert (Машенькин концерт) from Mtislav PASHCHENKO [animation, 9.36 mn]
1947 - To you, Moscow! (Тебе, Москва!) from Grigori LOMIDZE [animation, 18 mn]
1940 - Ivas (Ивась) from Ivan IVANOV-VANO [animation, 20 mn]
Production designer
1983 - Rodamus Qwerck's Delusion (Наваждение Родамуса Кверка) from Valery UGAROV [animation, 10.24 mn]
1974 - I Give You a Star (Дарю тебе звезду) from Fyodor KHITRUK [animation, 8 mn]