Production designer,
Born 1979, USSR (Russia)
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Арсений Михайлович ГОНЧУКОВ
Filmography (extracts)
2023 - The Devil's Rock (Чертов камень) [fiction, 105 mn]
2015 - The Last Night (Последняя ночь) [fiction, 90 mn]
2014 - The son (Сын) [fiction, 93 mn]
2013 - Polyot (Полет) [fiction, 72 mn]
2012 - 1210 (1210) [fiction, 73 mn]
2011 - The Final Destination (Конечная остановка) [fiction, 15 mn]
2009 - Operation Weis (Операция Вайс) [documentary, 44 mn]
2015 - The Last Night (Последняя ночь) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 90 mn]
2014 - The son (Сын) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 93 mn]
2013 - Polyot (Полет) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 72 mn]
2012 - 1210 (1210) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 73 mn]
2011 - The Final Destination (Конечная остановка) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 15 mn]
2009 - Operation Weis (Операция Вайс) from Arseni GONCHUKOV , Konstantin MURASHOV [documentary, 44 mn]
Production designer
2015 - The Last Night (Последняя ночь) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 90 mn]
2015 - The Last Night (Последняя ночь) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 90 mn]
2015 - The Last Night (Последняя ночь) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 90 mn]
2014 - The son (Сын) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 93 mn]
2013 - Polyot (Полет) from Arseni GONCHUKOV [fiction, 72 mn]

Other films
2010 - Три письма. Охота на почтальонов (Three Letters. Hunt for the Postman) ), doc.
2010 - Русский дух. Хроники 93 года (Russian Spirit. Chronicles of 93) ), doc.
2009 - Чехословакия-68. Братское вторжение (Czechoslovakia-68. Brotherly Intervention), doc.
2009 - Тибет. Тайны вершины мира (Tibet. Mysteries of the Summit of the World), doc.
Sites : IMDb, Kinopoisk

Awards :
The son :
Best feature film, "Vyborg" Russian Film Festival ''A Window to Europe'', Vyborg (Russia), 2014

Born in 1979 in Nizhny Novgorod.
Graduated from N.I.Lobachevsky State University in Nizhny Novgorod (2001, philological department), started the post-graduate course.
In 2001-2010 wrote and directed documentary films for Channel One, TV channels "Rossia" and "Zvez-da".
Graduated from the School of cinema with the Higher School of Economics (2010, workshop of directing of Anna and Vladimir Fenchenko).