Aleksandr VOLKOFF
Александр ВОЛКОВ
Aleksandr VOLKOFF
France, 1924, 2400m 
Black and white, silent, fiction
The Passing Shadows
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Мимолетные тени


 Les Ombres qui passent

 Mimoletnye teni

Other titles : Ускользающие тени
Directed by : Aleksandr VOLKOFF (Александр ВОЛКОВ)
Writing credits : Ivan MOZZHUKIN (Иван МОЗЖУХИН), Aleksandr VOLKOFF (Александр ВОЛКОВ)
Ivan MOZZHUKIN (Иван МОЗЖУХИН) ...Louis Barclay
Natalia LISENKO (Наталья ЛИСЕНКО) ...Jaqueline del Sorio
Production : Albatros
Language français

Plot synopsis
A legacy brings a man, who lived happily in the countryside, surrounded by his father and his tender wife, to Paris. There, worldly life makes him forget his wife and his sweet life. Two crooks attracted by his fortune make him meet a beautiful and mysterious woman with whom he falls in love.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- The Golden Age of Soviet Cinema : 1924-1930, (France), 2023
- Fondation Jérôme Seydoux. L'Aventure Albatros - 1, Paris (France), 2016

Photos and videos