USSR, 1979, 68mn 
Colour, fiction
A Dog was Walking on the Piano
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Шла собака по роялю


 Un chien marchait sur le piano

 Shla sobaka po royalyu

Directed by : Vladimir GRAMMATIKOV (Владимир ГРАММАТИКОВ)
Writing credits : Viktoria TOKAREVA (Виктория ТОКАРЕВА)
Vladimir BASOV (Владимир БАСОВ) ...Pavel Gromov
Yelena KISHCHIK (Елена КИЩИК) ...Tanya
Valery KISLENKO (Валерий КИСЛЕНКО) ...pilot Komarov
Leonid KURAVLYOV (Леонид КУРАВЛЕВ) ...Nikolay, Tatyana's father
Cinematography : Piotr KATAEV (Пётр КАТАЕВ)
Production design : Semyon VELEDNITSKY (Семён ВЕЛЕДНИЦКИЙ)
Music : Aleksey RYBNIKOV (Алексей РЫБНИКОВ)
Sound : Aleksandr NEIMAN (Александр НЕЙМАН)
Other persons :
Actors :
Aleksandr FOMIN
Spectators : 15,7 millions of spectators
Release date in Russia : 02/09/1979
Sites : IMDb, Kinopoisk

DVD with subtitles
Editor : Ruscico.
Subtitles: EN RU

Plot synopsis
The 16-year-old Tanya Canareykina decided to drastically change her life. For starters she fell in love with a pilot who played the trumpet and had sad, dreaming eyes. Because of him, she stopped seeing Misha whom she’d known since early childhood. She did like Misha, but he wasn’t romantic at all…

Commentaries and bibliography
Reviews on Kinopoisk

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Soviet comedies, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2024
- Festival "Vivat Kino Rossii", St Petersburg (Russia), 2012

Photos and videos