Friedrich ERMLER
Фридрих ЭРМЛЕР
Friedrich ERMLER
USSR, 1958, 91mn 
Black and white, fiction
Day One
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День первый


 Le Premier jour

 Den pervyy

Directed by : Friedrich ERMLER (Фридрих ЭРМЛЕР)
Production design : Evgeniy ENEJ (Евгений ЕНЕЙ)
Production : Lenfilm

Plot synopsis
The Petrograd worker Nikolai Timofeyev is always in the thick of events. We see him in the Smolny, which is housing the headquarters of the Revolution; in the Peter and Paul Fortress, obtaining arms for the workers; in the Winter Palace, delivering the ultimatum to the ministers of the Provisional Government. Always at his side is his wife Katya, an expectant mother.
At the very time when Nikolai is storming the Winter Palace with the armed workers, on the marble staircase of the Headquarters in the Palace Square a son is born to Katya.
Day one of the Soviet Republic dawns, being also the first day in the life of Nikolai Timofeyev's son.
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