Born in 1959 
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Александр СТОЛЯРОВ
From filmography
2015 - Rossia prekracna, syn (Россия прекрасна, сын) [documentary, 60 mn]
2013 - Pamyat ploti. Abelyar i Eloiza (Память плоти. Абеляр и Элоиза) [documentary, 39 mn]
2010 - Krasnoe i beloe (Красное и белое) [documentary, 52 mn]
2010 - German i Karmalita (Герман и Кармалита) [documentary, TV, 78 mn]
2009 - Puteshestvie v Koktebel. Otets Aleksandr Men (Путешествие в Коктебель. Отец Александр Мень) [animation]
2008 - Abram da Maria (Абрам да Марья) [documentary, 70 mn]
2009 - Puteshestvie v Koktebel. Otets Aleksandr Men (Путешествие в Коктебель. Отец Александр Мень) from Aleksandr STOLYAROV [animation]
2008 - Abram da Maria (Абрам да Марья) from Aleksandr STOLYAROV [documentary, 70 mn]

Other films
1988 Хорал (Khoral / Chorale)
1991 Порт (Port)
1998 Герой моего времени (Geroy moego vremeni / Hero of My Time)
2000 Святое семейство (Svyatoy semeystvo / Holy Family)
2001 Давай убьём музыканта (Davay ubyov musykanta / Let Us Kill the Musician
2002 Достоевская девочка (Dostoyevskaya devochka / Dostoyevsky Girl
2003 Безмолвие (Bezmolvie / Silence)
2003 Салем - экспресс (Salem- Express)
2004 Ольга и Рабинович (Olga And Rabinovich)
2007 Девочки, девочки (Devochki, devochki / Girls, Girls)
2007 Митрополит Петр Могила (Metropolitan Pyotr Mogila)
2008 Народный святой (Narodnyy svyatoy / People's Saint)
2008 Монастырский остров (Monastyrskiy ostrov / Monastery Island)

Director, litterateur, bard.
Born in 1959 in Mukachevo, Zakarpatsky region (Ukraine). Graduated from Lvov Polytechnic Institute as an architect (1981). Worked as an architect (1981 - 1985), as art director for Kiev TV (1985-1987). In 1991 graduated from the Higher Courses of Film Writers & Directors (workshop of Andrei Gerasimo'
Since 1992 is artistic director of the channel "TET" (Kiev); author and host of series "Theatre in the Palms", "Metropoliten". In 1994-1998 directed theatrii projects in Lvov and Kiev. Since 2004 directed documentaries from the sen "More Than Love" and "Islands" on the Channel "Kultura". Wrote the boc "Cardboard Theatre" (2001), "Paper Cinema" (2004), "HOME VIDEO" (2005) , "The Fifth Book" (2008). Winner of national and international film festivals.