Stanislav_2 SOKOLOV
Станислав_2 СОКОЛОВ
Stanislav_2 SOKOLOV
Russia, 2018, 72mn 
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Directed by : Stanislav_2 SOKOLOV (Станислав_2 СОКОЛОВ)
Writing credits : Viktor SLAVKIN (Виктор СЛАВКИН), Stanislav_2 SOKOLOV (Станислав_2 СОКОЛОВ)
Music : Shandor KALLOSH (Шандор КАЛЛОШ)
Artistic director : Mikhail SHEMYAKIN (Михаил ШЕМЯКИН)
Production : Soyuzmultfilm
Film revenue in Russia : 0.0362 million dollars
Spectators : 10 066
Release date in Russia : 11/10/2018

Awards :
Best Animation film Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2019

Plot synopsis
The film will be based around three of Hoffmann's tales (Klein Zaches, The Golden Pot and The Sandman),[3] with the main character being Hoffmann himself. In particular, it will focus on the duality between the imaginative universe of his writings and his real-life profession as a government clerk (which will be based on his letters and journals).[5]

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Novy Rusky Film, Prague (Czech Republic), 2019
- Russian Art Festival, Cannes (France), 2019
- "NIKA" Prizes, Moscow (Russia), 2019
- Golden Eagle awards, Moscow (Russia), 2019
- Shangai International Film Festival, Shangai (China), 2018
- Annecy International Animation Festival, Annecy (France), 2018
- Russian Film Week in London, London (United Kingdom), 2018