USSR, 1977, 135mn 
Colour, TV fiction
Pro Krasnuyu Sapochku
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Про Красную Шапочку


 Au sujet du Chaperon Rouge

 Pro Krasnuyu Shapochku

Directed by : Leonid NECHAYEV (Леонид НЕЧАЕВ)
Production : Bielarusfilm
Sites : Kinopoisk, IMDb

Plot synopsis
The Old Wolf decides to take revenge on Little Red Riding Hood and instructs the older mother wolf to catch the girl. And at the same time - to teach something to the second son, a fat and kind wolf.
A sequel to the well-known story about a Little Red Riding Hood (Krasnaya Shapochka). This time, a family of a slain wolf decides to avenge his death. So they falsely inform Little Red Riding Hood that her grandma is sick and prepare to eat her on her way.

Commentaries and bibliography
Reviews on Kinopoisk

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Soviet musicals, kinoglaz.fr (France), 2024

Photos and videos