Prokopiy BURTSEV
Прокопий БУРЦЕВ
Russia, 2008, 12mn 
Colour, fiction
The Man I never knew
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Тот, кого никогда не знал


 Celui que je n'ai jamais connu

 Tot, kogo nikogda ne znal

Directed by : Prokopiy BURTSEV (Прокопий БУРЦЕВ)
Writing credits : Prokopiy BURTSEV (Прокопий БУРЦЕВ)
Cinematography : Aleksey ABRAMOV (Алексей АБРАМОВ)
Production design : Nadezhda DOKTOROVA (Надежда ДОКТОРОВА)
Music : German KHATYLAEV (Герман ХАТЫЛАЕВ), Klavdia KHATYLAEVA (Клавдия ХАТЫЛАЕВА)
Sound : Sergey YARMONOV (Сергей ЯРМОНОВ)
Editing : Aleksey ABRAMOV (Алексей АБРАМОВ), Prokopiy BURTSEV (Прокопий БУРЦЕВ)
format : Beta

Plot synopsis
Some questions must be asked when the time is right. But not too late.
Source :

Commentaries and bibliography

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- The Cinema of Sakha (Yakutia), (France), 2023
- European Independent Film Festival : ECU, Paris (France), 2009
- Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, Clermont Ferrand (France), 2009