Vasili PANIN
Василий ПАНИН
Vassili PANINE
Russia, 1994, 101mn 
Colour, fiction
Bulvarnyy roman
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Бульварный роман


 Roman de boulevard

 Bulvarnyy roman

Directed by : Vasili PANIN (Василий ПАНИН)
Vyacheslav TIKHONOV (Вячеслав ТИХОНОВ)
Production : Mosfilm, Lenfilm, Odessa Film Studios
Site : IMDb

Plot synopsis
This moving love story is based on an authentic event.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia became passionate about a trial whose proceedings are the subject of the film. A very pretty young girl, from a large Jewish family, runs away from her father's house. She had no other choice, because her father forced her to marry a man she did not love. Later becoming the mistress of a rich old man had allowed her to obtain everything a poor young provincial could dream of. He only needed one thing: true love.

Selected in the following festivals or events :
- Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr, Sochi (Russia), 1995